EmSculpt Neo at Quinn Clinics, Transform your Body Shape!

Non-Surgical Body Contouring


Let us help you to change your body shape and target areas that diet and exercise can’t shift with ‘EmSculpt Neo’. The latest Gold Standard FDA Approved Body Contouring Technology!

Lose fat & tone up like the celebs

Just 30 minutes of our EMSCULPT® NEO machine will give the desired effect of up to 20,000 sit-ups or squats. Alongside weight loss and a healthy lifestyle, it can deliver incredible body contouring results that will totally transform your body shape.

How does EMSCULPT® NEO work?

Neo is a world-first treatment that combines HIFEM energy to tone up the muscles and achieve fat reduction with radio frequency. It blends radio frequency heat energy with HIFEM using a patented electrode found in no other body-contouring device. This procedure will boost your metabolism and reduce fat cells. As well as being completely non-invasive, it has zero recovery time. You can expect fast results!

Clinical studies show an average client can expect +25% Muscle Building -30% Reduction in fat.

Emsculpt-Neo_Quinn Clinics Bristol_ Fat loss & Muscle Growth

EMSCULPT NEO achieves more fat reduction and muscle growth than any single gold-standard product. You can expect up to 24,000 muscle contractions per/ session alongside fat reduction.

We all know there’s no such thing as a quick fix. But when placed alongside diet and exercise, EMSCULPT NEO is a great treatment for troubleshooting areas most resistant to change and the perfect complement to a ‘kickstart’ training program!

EmSculpt Neo Bristol, Quinn Clinics, Body Contouring

Which areas of the body can we treat with EmSculpt Neo?

  • Abdomen – tighter stomachs and a more defined six-pack
  • Post-pregnancy tummy issues/rectus abdominis. Helping to restore muscle wall strength (treatment can help return abdominal muscles to their flat position, reducing muscle separation by 19%).
  • Buttocks – gain a lifted and sculpted butt with minimal effort
  • Arms – increase the size of triceps and biceps while targeting ‘bingo wing’ fat
  • Inner and outer thighs – reduce the circumference of thighs, slim down saddlebags and build leg definition
  • Calves – strengthen and define the lower leg

Many patients choose to combine a couple or more treatments for optimum results. We’ll be able to develop a suitable plan based on your personal goals.

→ EMsculpt NEO® at Quinn Clinics

Our Body Consultations are £50, which is redeemable against your treatment.

4 SESSIONS – £1,995 (1 week apart)

Our best results often come from combining our Body Contouring Treatments. Following a consultation, we will create a bespoke combination plan to support your fitness and body goals!

EMSCULPT NEO – Find out more

If you’d like us to call you to chat about EMSculpt NEO, please use the ‘Book a call’ service below.



We have the most advanced clinical collections of Gold Standard, FDA Approved Body Contouring Equipment in the Uk and can achieve transformational results.

  • CoolSculpting – non-surgical liposuction or ‘fat freezing’ treatment using intense cold to destroy excess fat cells
  • EXILIS ULTRA 360™ – non-surgical body toning treatment using ultrasound and radiofrequency to break down fatty deposits, then tighten, tone, shape and lift the area for a firmer and smoother silhouette
  • EMSCULPT – non-surgical muscle-building and fat-burning treatment to promote a leaner and more toned physique
  • New EMSCULPT NEO – simultaneously uses Radiofrequency and HIFEM+ energies to eliminate fat and build muscle
  • EMTONE – combines both thermal and mechanical energy to treat cellulite for a more toned appearance


Quinn Clinics was established in 2006 and offers a full range of cosmetic, medical and laser skin treatments. As well as popular medical cosmetic injections, we can offer the latest skin rejuvenation technology, including IPL, laser and CO2 fractional laser, radio-frequency and ultrasound treatments. In addition to a host of advanced skin treatments, Quinn Clinics also offers non-surgical body contouring with the most extensive selection of treatment technology in the South West.


EMSCULPT® NEO at Quinn Clinics +25% Muscle Building -30% Reduction in fat.
Article Name
EMSCULPT® NEO at Quinn Clinics +25% Muscle Building -30% Reduction in fat.
Exclusively at Quinn Clinics - Let us help you to change your body shape and target areas that diet and exercise can’t shift with 'EmSculpt Neo', the latest Gold Standard FDA Approved Body Contouring Technology! 4 sessions £1995.
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