Aesthetic Doctor & Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Specialist
Dr Claire Langton-Hewer BM BCH (OXON) MA (OXON) FRCS ORL-HNS
Dr Claire is an experienced aesthetic doctor. Her weekly clinic at QC offers patients the opportunity to undergo Aesthetic Enhancements, Anti-Ageing Injections and Non-Surgical Rhinoplasties.
As one of Bristol’s most experienced ENT surgeons, Dr Claire offers non-surgical nose reshaping and enhancement exclusive to Quinn Clinics. Her attention to detail and experience with nasal reconstruction are applied to the aesthetics of the face, helping to balance and enhance facial symmetry.
“In my work as a functional and cosmetic surgeon, I have acquired many reconstructive skills and the ability to analyse faces. I use these in my aesthetic work to assess my patients carefully and identify subtle changes we can make to help them feel more confident, happier, and more youthful. I love the creative aspect of this work and use my rhinoplasty skills to complete the picture as and when required.”
Qualifications and Experience:
- Trained in Oxford, graduating in 1990
- Surgical training in London included posts at The Royal Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital and Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children.
- Registered specialist with the General Medical Council
Professional memberships
- Member of British Rhinological Society
- Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England
- Academic Secretary South West Laryngological Association
Current NHS posts
- St Michael’s Hospital
- Bristol Royal Hospital for Children