What does IPL feel like?

IPL treatment

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is a fabulous treatment for boosting the condition and appearance of the skin.

This treatment works by blasting high powered pulses of light energy into the dermis of the skin. The skin responds by stimulating collagen production which helps the skin to look fresher, younger and firmer. In addition, the treatment works to reduce pigmentation and discoloration including vascular problems like dilated capillaries or visible veins. The result is clearer, fresher looking skin.

How does IPL feel?

New patients may be concerned about how intense pulsed light treatment can feel.

Most people describe it as mild short term discomfort, like a pinch or a rubber band being snapped against the skin. However, others do find it more uncomfortable and others find it less so. The experience can vary depending on all sorts of things, including the system, the treatment being carried out, skin type and the practitioner.

At Quinn Clinics based in Bristol, we work hard to make sure treatments are comfortable as well as effective. We have the latest equipment and techniques.

Our patient Allison shared her experience:

IPL testimonial

“The treatment all felt fine.

“It feels a bit hot when you’re being zapped, but John’s cooler really does the job and cools it down well.

“I’m looking forward to waking up in the morning and seeing my face a little fresher-faced and not thinking I’ve got to put my makeup on.”

Allison, Bristol



Video – Allison’s IPL at Quinn Clinics


M22 Multi Platform System

Quinn Clinics offers IPL treatment as part of the M22 ‘multi-platform’ skin treatment device. This combines 4 key technologies in order to treat over 30 skin conditions

  • IPL – Intense Pulsed Light photorejuvenation with Optimal Pulse Technology (OPT)
  • ResurFX™ – fractional non-ablative skin resurfacing 
  • Multi-Spot™ ND:YAG – for leg veins or vascular lesions with Multiple Sequential Pulsing
  • Q-Switched Nd:YAG – treatment of pigmented lesions skin toning treatment

This versatile technology can be adjusted to provide a tailor-made treatment that is designed to tackle any individual’s skin concerns.

Lumenis M22 platform IPL

Dr John Quinn says:

I love this laser, this is the laser I use the most I use it every single day.

He continues:

I can treat lots of different indications with this particular platform. Most of my patients who come to see me have Celtic skin, so in this part of the UK there’s a large amount of rosacea patients, so red faces flushing red veins spots

Dr John Quinn

Find out more


About Quinn Clinics

Advanced Skin Treatment Clinic, Bristol

Quinn Clinics was established in 2006 and offers a full range of cosmetic, medical and laser skin treatments. As well as popular anti-ageing injections, the clinics can offer the latest skin rejuvenation technology including IPL, laser and CO2 fractional laser, radio-frequency and ultrasound treatments.

The company has 2 highly equipped skin clinics in Bristol.

In addition to a host of advanced skin treatments, Quinn Clinics also offers non-surgical body shaping with the biggest selection of treatment technology in the South West.

What does IPL feel like?
Article Name
What does IPL feel like?
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is usually described as mild short term discomfort, like a pinch or a rubber band being snapped against the skin.

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