Sublime™ Skin Contouring – How it Works

The latest Sublime™ Skin Contouring treatment promises to reverse the signs of ageing. How does it work?

Treatment with the eTwo, available at Quinn Clinics, uses the very latest skin technology.

The state-of-the-art machine combines safe and effective levels of infrared light and bipolar radiofrequency energies.

These work within the dermal layer of the skin to remodel and rejuvenate it by stimulating new collagen growth. This picture shows how after treatment the skin is plumper deep within.

Sublime skin treatment

The treatment is designed to achieve a more youthful appearance with smoother, firmer skin. It is especially useful in those areas that are most telling when it comes to age

  • eyes,
  • brow lines,
  • cheeks,
  • neck

The process is comfortable, has low risks and minimal side effects.


Quinn Clinics offer a full range of cosmetic, medical and laser skin treatments with popular anti-ageing injections carried out by Dr John Quinn. They also have the latest skin technology such as IPL, laser, CO2 and radio frequency to offer a broad choice to their patients.

Please call 0117 924 4592 or email for further information or to book an appointment.

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